Friday 22 April 2011

Pushing Forward

Another week has past and we've been extremely busy trying to push everything forward inside our new shop. We've finally finished the wiring so now we're able to start on the cosmetics such as the new ceilings, plastering, tiling the floor and decorating!

We just hope this beautiful sunny weather (we've been missing out on) the UK has been having will show up for us on our launch day in a few weeks time!

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Keith just back from his jungle trek!

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Above shows the RSJ and steel posts which enabled us to take out a load bearing wall and open up the shop.

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A new consumer unit! Yes, we have light! A work of art no?

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Dangerous job breathing the dusty, dirty air in here at the moment!

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I wonder what this is going to be, any guesses?

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Alarm cables. Fancy untangling them?

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Loops for 24v lighting. It's like the 'hanging garden of wires' in the shop!

Keep up to date on our progress by following us on Twitter or FaceBook!